The Centreville site is located in the Centreville High School/Junior High Office  at 190 Hogan Street. The Adult Education Office is best accessed from Nottawa Street. This street dead ends into the school parking lot. Park and go to the double door entry marked with a #1. Press the buzzer to get permission to enter the building. The buzzer is located below the sign that reads High School Junior High Office. Once you have been buzzed in, you will see a door directly across the hall marked “Main Office”.


Centreville Adult Education Center

Centreville Jr./Sr. High School

190 Hogan Street, Centreville, MI 49032

(269) 467-5210 ext. 21217

Fax: (269) 467-5214

St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department

(only for residents housed at the jail)

Now offering class for High School Diploma (HSD), High School Equivalent (HSE) i.e. GED, HiSET, and Adult Basic Education (ABE)


Call (269) 467-5210 for an appointment. Enrollment requires a meeting with the Site Administrator to fill out a registration packet and completion of placement testing. Students are tested as required by the State of Michigan Adult Education. Please bring a photo ID and proof of residency.